Canada kocht ik een klein zwart, wit, rood boekje. Eigenlijk pakte ik het uit
het rek om de vormgeving. Op de voorkant stond: ’10 things nobody told you about
being creative’. Mijn nieuwsgierigheid was geprikkeld J
Interessante cover :-) |
boekje heet ‘Steal like an artist’ (geschreven door Austin Kleon) en bevat 10
principes om je creativiteit te stimuleren:
- steal like an artist
- don’t wait
until you know who you are to get started
- write
the book you want to read
- use
your hands
- side
projects and hobbies are important
- do good
work and share it with people
- geography
is no longer our master
- be nice
- be
- creativity is subtraction
Een van de vele inspirerende quotes |
Bottom line: niets is
origineel, dus omarm invloed en leid jezelf op via werk van anderen. Door het
opnieuw combineren en heruitvinden van bestaande dingen ontdek je jezelf en je
eigen stijl. Ik weet niet hoe het met jullie zit, maar ik vind het persoonlijk
een opluchting. Wat een heerlijke, verlichtende gedachte! Weg met die druk van
origineel willen zijn en iets bedenken dat nog nooit iemand bedacht heeft.
Alles is immers al bedacht. En creativiteit en originaliteit zit ‘m in hoe jij
ermee omgaat.
Dus ga van veel mensen kopiëren - eervol en met credits - leer ervan en maak het jouw ding!
During my holiday I bought a small black, white and red book. I noticed it for it’s design. On the cover it said: ’10 things nobody told you about being creative’. That made me curious enough to buy it J
The title of the book is ‘Steal like an artist’ (by Austin Kleon) en contains 10 principles to discover your artistic side and build a more creative life.
Bottom line: nothing is original, so embrace influence, school yourself through the work of others, remix an reimagine to discover your own path. I don’t know about you, but to me that is a relief. It enlightens my mind. Out with the pressure of being original! There isn’t a thing that hasn’t been thought of already. Creativity and originality is all about how you work with it.
So start copying from many - with hounour and credit - learn from it and transform it to your own!
Dus ga van veel mensen kopiëren - eervol en met credits - leer ervan en maak het jouw ding!
During my holiday I bought a small black, white and red book. I noticed it for it’s design. On the cover it said: ’10 things nobody told you about being creative’. That made me curious enough to buy it J
The title of the book is ‘Steal like an artist’ (by Austin Kleon) en contains 10 principles to discover your artistic side and build a more creative life.
Bottom line: nothing is original, so embrace influence, school yourself through the work of others, remix an reimagine to discover your own path. I don’t know about you, but to me that is a relief. It enlightens my mind. Out with the pressure of being original! There isn’t a thing that hasn’t been thought of already. Creativity and originality is all about how you work with it.
So start copying from many - with hounour and credit - learn from it and transform it to your own!